Gaelic Games Victoria


GGV Return to Training & Competition

Author:  Club Admin

Published:  over 4 years ago

Views:  1640+

GGV have met on various occasions this week and have positive news to bring to our members on the Return to Training and Competition for Gaelic Games in Victoria.

In line with the Victorian Governments recent announcements, we are delighted to announce the below timeline of Key Dates:

Monday 22 June: Non-contact training can resume for groups of up to 20

Monday 13 July: Full Contact training can resume

25/26 July: League competition will resume

In summary, 3 weeks of non-contact training, followed by 2 weeks of full contact training prior to recommencement of the league competition.

IMPORTANT: All clubs must adhere to their local council and training facilities advice and follow the COVID-19 Return to Training Protocols.

Detailed information has been sent to your Club Secretaries with a Return to Training Plan.

Furthermore, a meeting will be held with players from each club and GGV to discuss format of the competitions in the first week of July.

We encourage you all to read the FULL Return to Play for Community Sport guidelines issued by the Victorian Government:

Victoria Government Guidelines


What the Restrictions mean for Sport?


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